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The Big Boats

This page will be devoted  to our resident Boatnerd, the Mom of the house.   All things pertaining to the Great Lakes and the freighters that ply them  will be posted here.   Dotti has a huge archive of photo's from her now ten years of Boatnerding.   Many interesting tales to be told too.   Once more we beg your indulgence while we get it all together.

Formerly, simply the Montrealais.

One of Dotti's favorite ships is now gone for scrap.   She sailed to her demise under her own power.


Dotti and I  were fortunate enough to see her on one of her last passes throught Welland Canal (upbound).


One of the last of the "straight deckers", she was also steam powered (turbine) to the end.

Algoma Montrealais passing a down bound "salty" in the Welland Canal.

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